INCREASE YOUR APPETITE | Subliminal Affirmations & Theta Waves
If you need to gain weight for improved health, use this powerful increase appetite subliminal to feel hungry, eat better and reach your weight goal quickly. The subliminal affirmations contained in this video will train your subconscious mind to derive more enjoyment from food, crave healthy meals and snacks, eat larger portions, and not feel sick from the smell or appearance of food. Listen regularly, and see how much better you look and feel with those extra pounds!
This track uses isochronic tones with a base frequency of 165 Hz and a beat frequency of Hz (theta waves). Both frequencies are specifically associated with the stomach and digestive system.
This 10 minute subliminal session is a requested shorter version of the following 30 minute session on this channel:
Listen to the track at a comfortable volume, with or without headphones. The subliminal does not need to be played loudly, but it does need to be a