9/11 To Armageddon, William Stuart: The Invisible College (2012) ’Bankers Plan Wars Centuries Ahead’

William Stuart: The Invisible College, 9/11 To Armageddon (2012) ’Bankers Plan Wars Centuries Ahead’ William Stuart The Invisible College - 911 To Armageddon (2012) Stuart, author of ‘The Invisible College, 9/11 to Armageddon’ bankers plan wars’, on Armageddon and Freemasonry The Invisible College: to Armageddon by William Stuart 14 years ago, author William Stuart began to explore the darkest regions of our planet. Five years later he had enough data to state that a strain of the Knights Templar had intervened to ensure that the American War of Independence, French Revolution, American Civil War, Russian Revolution, WW1 and WW2 took place. Five more years passed, and William discovered a strange fact. When the Russian Revolution, heavy with Templar Masonry, began to fail because the ‘peasant farmers’ remained l
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