(3231) Jets F-15EX équipés de bombes GBU-57 anti-bunker | Ce dont Israël a besoin pour détruire les installations nucléaires iraniennes - YouTube

Iran’s successful test-launch of a ballistic missile with a potential 2,000-km range has likely spooked arch-rival Israel. The Jewish state which faces an ‘existential threat’ from Iran has explicitly declared its aim of curbing Tehran’s nuclear capabilities. Israel has threatened to take action against Iranian nuclear facilities amid negative developments in the Vienna talks. Israel seeks a new version of the F-15 jets called ‘F-15EX’, with a enhanced weapon-carrying capability and GBU-57 or the Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), the world’s most potent bunker-busting weapon. If the US provides Israel with F-15EX and GBU-57, a strike on Iran’s nuclear facility will be likely. #israel #iran #usa #f15ex #GBU57 0:00 - Introduction 0:40 - Restless Israel Planning to Hit Iran’s Nuke Facilities? 1:03 - Iran’s Nuclear Growth Rattles Israel 2:00 - What Makes Iran’s Nuke Facilities a Difficult Target 2:30 - Is Deadly Combination of F-15EX and GBU-57 the Key? 4:12 - Will
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