Sew a SLOTH PLUSH Stuffed Animal PART 2 - Stuffing, Attaching Legs to Body, Magnets, and More.

Visit my website for the free pattern! Sloth Tutorial PART 1: How to Slip Stitch How to Backstitch - Skip to 9:04 in the video for a demonstration on how to backstitch. How to Whip Stitch. The video (at time 21:26) shows whip stitching over an edge, but the idea is similar. Just instead of going over the edge, you stitch down and back up when appliqueing. That Purple Thang Air Erase Pens air erasable marking pens&crid=3I35F6028PGRA&sprefix=leonis air er,aps,195&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_13 Swirl Fur Fabric Magnets
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