Thank you guys for watching this Quest Guide to Hollow Serenity
I hope it was helpful and enjoyable
0:00 Intro
0:23 Walking to the quest
0:57 Starting the quest
1:05 1st puzzle
3:04 Code
3:24 Bedroom
4:53 Walking to the village
5:26 Talking to the Old man
6:11 Walking to the lab
6:36 Inside the lab
7:43 Finding the secret study
12:40 Cutscene
17:05 Walking to the research outpost
18:21 Getting evidence
19:46 Cutscene
22:50 Talking to Garvan
24:45 Cutscene
27:48 Talking to Garvan
28:27 Garvan and Katarin talking
30:35 Catacombs
32:21 Fighting Garvan
32:56 Talking to Katarin
34:00 Outro
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