Ukraine was voted as the next country to be remastered in All Endings. Enjoy!
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Music used:
0:00 Good ending (Anthem of Ukraine - instrumental)
0:15 Ultimate good ending (Same as above)
0:30 Bad ending (Ой, у лузі червона калина)
0:45 Ultimate bad ending (Same as above)
1:00 Union State ending (Derzhavny Soyuz Narodov)
1:15 People’s Hetman ending (The Cossack Song (1937))
1:30 Black Army ending (Mother Anarchy Loves Her Sons)
1:45 Zelenyy Klin ending (Senyu - Japanese March)
2:00 Intermarium ending (Szara Piechota - Instrumental)
2:15 Hetmanate ending (Запорізький марш)
2:30 Rzeczpospolita ending (Гей, соколи)
2:45 Halych ending (З нами Бог! (Старовинний бойовий гімн України-Руси))
3:00 Hidden cursed ending (Oh Canada in Ukrainian)
3:15 Several other endi