The origin of true genius - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The origin of true genius - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1. (Dr. Hagelin:) This from a health writer in New York. There is growing interest in the scientific community about the potential of the human brain, including, attempting to locate the origins of genius in the brain. What does Maharishi see as the origin of true genius, and why do so many of our greatest geniuses, artists, scientists, musicians, seem to have such unbalanced and even unhappy lives? 2. Maharishi: Education. Education today does not train the brain physiology to be totally used in thinking or action. 3. Great so-called geniuses, Nobel prize winners in physics and chemistry, etc., are using their partial brain, and other aspects of their life are in bankruptcy. 4. There is only one experience that trains the total brain to function, and that is the experience of transcendental consciousness. That is why our formula for unfolding the latent genius in everyone is the
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