2D Adventure Game PRIM on Kickstarter NOW!

Back PRIM on Kickstarter NOW: Being a teenager is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re the daughter of Thanatos, the Angel of Death. Prim’s father has forbidden her from entering the Land of the Living, but a recurring dream about a strangely familiar human boy crying out for help might just force her to break that rule – and discover whether Thanatos’ warnings were right all along. PRIM is a 2D point-and-click adventure from German developer Common Colors, set in the beautiful, hand-drawn Land of the Dead. The game’s Tim Burton-inspired art direction and traditional, frame-by-frame animation contribute to a dark (but lovable!) atmosphere that is at once immersive and nostalgic. Release date: 2022 Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux PLAY THE FREE DEMO: STEAM: :
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