Mr. Cromwell, tear down that altar!
What to do when the Regulative Principle of worship is not kept. Excerpted from the 1970 film ’Cromwell,’ this clip of him in church shows a good grasp of the RPW on behalf of the scriptwriters; Cromwell actually quotes the second commandment in response to the inventions of man introduced in worship.
Cromwell: Who has done this? Answer me, who has done this?
Minister: An edict, squire. From the Archbishop himself. And by order of the King.
Cromwell: By order the King? Is not the Church of England a Protestant church? Would the King turn the House of God into a Roman Temple? Does the King think that God can be bought with gold, trinkets and guilded rubbish? Has this King forgotten the reformation? Away with this, popish idolatry!
Did not the Lord say unto Moses, Thou shall not to make unto thyself any graven image... do not bow down to them! Has this King forgotten the Spanish inquisition? Is the Roman Catholic Churc