Pirate Cove Pre-Show

Here is my Remake of Squimpus McGrimpus Pirate Cove Pre-Show. I tried to work really hard on this one to make it unique but familiar. Hope you guys enjoy. Thank @AquantaFilms for the Pirate Cove Model, and inspiration. As wellas my wonderful voice actors for their great performance. See you guys in the next video! - [ Voice Actors ] - Foxy | : Chica | Littletuntank : - [ Discord ] - BECOME A PATRON: - [ Patrons ] - Mattia ATV Eccentric Blobfish Dragonknight Jonas Clark AbleWizzKid olek samsel ThunderLee007 Nah Nah EvilBlackBunny Bennett Stewart - [ Social Media ] - Instagram: @Batting...ton02 Twitter: @Battington02 TikTok: @Battington BECOME A MEMBER FOR BTS & MORE
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