Kendall Jenner Learns About Social Media Addiction | Open Minded | Session 2 | Vogue

Is social media ruining our lives? In the second episode of Open Minded: Unpacking Anxiety, Kendall sits down with Dr. Jorge Partida, Chief of Psychology at the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, to discuss social media addiction, our human need to feel connected, and how both of those things can contribute to feelings of anxiety. Throughout the episode, Kendall and Dr. Partida discuss how to decrease social media addiction and tips for managing inferiority complexes that may develop from comparing our lives to those we see online. For more information on anxiety symptoms, treatment, and resources please visit: If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. Connect with the NAMI HelpLine Mon-Fri, 10AM – 8PM (ET) by calling 800-950-6264 or CHAT at In a crisis? Text “NAMI” to 741741, 24/7. Directed by: Posy Dixon DP: Kevin Hayden Camera Operators: Yuya Kudo, Zachary Rockwood and Sonja Tsypin Key Grip/Gaffer: Kurtis Myers
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