“The Undiscovered Mario Lanza: Rare Recordings and Hidden Gems“ - The New Sepia Records CD

This fascinating CD will be available in early March from and from amazon and other online sellers in the first week of April. Or alternatively the new Sepia CD will be available at the Mario Lanza Musuem in late March/early April. They are now taking pre-orders (USA only). The CD is $12 $5 Shipping & Handling. Checks should be made out to Mario Lanza Institute and sent to Mario Lanza Institute 1214 Reed Street Philadelphia, PA 19147. For credit card orders, more information or if you’re ordering more than one CD, call 215-238-9691. I make no revenue from YouTube but If you would like to help me be able to create more content, please consider becoming a patron by donating whatever you can to:
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