The Gypsy Project; Sweden ZeroOneSix Skatepark

The Gypsy Project; Sweden ZeroOneSix skatepark: Recently i was invited to visit my homie, Fredrik Andersson in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Fred runs ZeroOneSix skate park which is hands down, one of the coolest skate parks I have ever skated. We were also joined by THE MAN, Richie Eisler. Rich has been living on tour for the last 6 months and Eskilsunta was his last stop of his epic journey. “The Gypsy Project“ is basically describing, Fred, Rich, and myself. We spend a large part of our lives traveling to different parts of the globe to rollerblade, see friends, make new friends and to live life. I never know when im going to see these guys next, could be in anywhere in the world. For this reason we are the traveling gypsies! Wherever in the world we unite, we will create! This edit was filmed in Eskilstuna, Sweden at ZeroOneSix skate park ;; ;; FEETuring: Fredrik Andersson Josh Glowicki Richie Eisler Filmers: Fredrik Andersson Josh Glowicki
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