Professional Hunter Breaks Down Hunting Scenes from Movies Part 2 | GQ

Professional hunter and tracker Steven Rinella is back to break down more hunting scenes from movies, including ’The Hunger Games,’ ’No Country for Old Men,’ ’Hunt for the Wilderpeople,’ ’The Hunter,’ ’Alpha,’ ’Django Unchained’ and ’Daddy’s Home 2.’ For more hunting, fishing, conservation, and wild foods videos from Steven Rinella and the MeatEater crew you can check out MeatEater’s YouTube page: Still haven’t subscribed to GQ on YouTube? ►► Subscribe to GQ magazine and get rare swag: ABOUT GQ For more than 50 years, GQ has been the premier men’s magazine, providing definitive coverage of style, culture, politics and more. In that tradition, GQ’s video channel covers every part of a man’s life, from entertainment and sports to fashion and grooming advice. So join celebrities from 2 Chainz, Stephen Curry and Channing
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