How TAPE helps toddlers TALK - Tips from a Speech Therapist

⬇️Toddler falling behind on milestones? Help your toddler learn to talk in Adrienne’s step-by-step online class here: ⬇️Download your Free Milestone Checklists from birth to 5 years old: ⬇️Learn Sign Language from Adrienne here: Worried your toddler is falling behind on their talking skills? Get your free Milestones Checklist so you can check off the skills they have and feel confident that they are moving in the right direction. You can find me: Facebook: Instagram: VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: So many ideas on pinterest but its so overwhelming. Which ones do you choose for tour child based on their age, how do you know if your child is gonna like it? What if you spend all this time on this pinterest craft and your kid just runs away. They don’t want to have anything to do with
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