Lighthouse Story (1958)

Dungeness, Kent. Exterior. L/S of a lighthouse and its surrounding buildings and masts at twilight. The light at the top of the lighthouse revolves slowly. According to the narrator the lighthouse is โ€œa symbol of our seafaring heritageโ€œ. Interior. M/S of a room inside the Lighthouse filled with grey panels of radio equipment. A lighthouse keeper, Mr. Thomas Edward Dowsett, enters and opens up the door to the radio beacon to make adjustments inside. C/U of the dials and switches on the door of the radio beacon. The radio beacon transmits a signal every five minutes so that ships can get a navigational fix. M/S of a room half way up the lighthouse containing the subsidiary light. Mr. D. appears at the top of the staircase. He uses a large green can to pour paraffin into the brass funnel at the top of the light. Low angle M/S of a fixed brass ladder to the top of the lighthouse. Mr. D. climbs the ladder. C/U of Mr. D. standing in front of the enormous red lamp. He lights the wick and
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