Title: “The Epic of Everest. 6 Holy Lamas - from Thibet-hermits who live 14,000 ft. up the mountain, arrive in London“.
M/S of a row Tibetan men in robes standing on the deck of a ship, a man in a trilby places a white silk scarf around the neck of one of the Tibetans, panning shot follows as he places scarves around the necks of the other Tibetans. M/S of the row of a dozen or Tibetans, a man enters and places another scarf over the head of a tall Tibetan with a moustache. C/U of the tall Tibetan - one of the Holy Lamas. C/U of another Tibetan in an embroidered hat.
Intertitle: “Lhakpa Tsering - the last to see IRVINE and MALLORY 27,000 ft. up Mt. Everest“.
C/U of Lhakpa - a young Tibetan man. Various C/Us of young Tibetan men. M/S of the group of Tibetans climbing up a stairway to a higher deck level. C/U of the Tibetan in a hat. M/S of the Tibetans. M/S of the Tibetans coming down the stairway. More shots the Tibetans being presented with white scarves. More shots of the Ti