Important remarks by Abu Obadiah, the military spox of Hamas Movement

️ Important remarks by Abu Obadiah, the military spox of Hamas Movement - The Israeli army continues its barbaric attack on our people, in a revenge campaign against all signs of life - We have attacked 180 Israeli vehicles in the past 10 days, since the end of the temporary ceasefire - We continue to engage the Israeli army on all fronts with all types of weapons - Our rocket units continue to operate 65 days after the war, attacking anywhere - The only achievement of the Israeli army is destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza and the strip in General - As we always said and we continue to say, no Israeli hostage will be freed unless through negotiations. - The Israeli army’s hostage rescue missions are futile and what happened this week is a proof - The Israeli claim of defeating Hamas in the north is pathetic - We call on all the fighters in our nation to continue their work and god curse who are staying silent on what is happening in Gaza - The Israeli crimes are to break our spirit, so stay patient and remember the godly promise of victory and remember the Qur’anic verse that the enemy is in pain like your pain Источник: Lebanese News and Updates
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