Amazing Antelope Jackrabbit footage. Baby nursing!

Antelope jackrabbits are polygynous breeders. This means that one male will mate with more than one female. During the breeding season, the males may fight with one another, kicking with their hind feet and boxing with their forefeet over access to females. Breeding take place from late December until September. 3 to 4 litters can be produced each year if conditions are good. Gestation lasts about 6 weeks, and there are usually 2 young per litter, but 1 to 5 young may be born. At birth they are well-developed (precocial) and at just a few days old they are weaned and independent. It is thought that mothers hide their young in different places after birth, returning to feed them at night. Fathers do not help with caring for their young. Antelope jackrabbits become reproductively mature at 2 years of age.
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