Scaring the $@/% out of AIRSOFT PLAYER with D()&K GUN !!!
► New Gameplay at OP: Divinity where I get my first airsoft Kill with my infamous teeny weeny peen bb gun you guys have seen on my Instagram feed. And yes it’s at the beginning of the video. I really scared the hell out of that airsoft player, as he had no idea that I was there and I shot him right in the face ;) He was quite embarrassed and a little humiliated, so he takes some drastic measures! Also, I land an epic faceplant, as I slip in the mud and crash to the ground :) Enjoy !!!!
►►►►►► My Loadout:
► Chest Rig: TMC Modular Lightweight Chest Rig → or this one I also own from OneTigris →
► Budget JPC Plate Carrier → → or
► AirFrame Style Helmet → → →
► B