Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 91
보천보전자악단 제91집
Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №91
1) [00:00] We Are the General’s Family / 장군님 식솔 / Мы - семья Полководца
Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Kim Kwang Suk
2) [04:03] Pheasant Ballad / 까투리타령 / Баллада о фазане
Male instrumental music, arrangement by People’s Artist Hwang Jin Yong
3) [07:41] The Beacon of a Hope / 희망의 등대 / Маяк надежды
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Yun Hye Yong
4) [11:57] The Image of Loyalist / 충신의 한모습 / Образ преданности
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
5) [16:25] We Will Live with Mother in Happiness / 어머니를 모시고 행복히 살리 / Будем счастливо с матерью жить
Male instrumental music, arrangement by An Jong Ho
6) [19:43] Shouts of Sinchon / 신천의 웨침소리 / Крики Синчхона
Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa
7) [22:38] Reunification Rainbow / 통일무지개 / Радуга объединения
Electronic guitar and instrumental music. Solo and arrangement by Merited Artist Song Kwang
8) [26:14] Songs from Revolutionary Opera The Sea of Blood / 혁명가극 《피바다》 노래련곡 / Песни из революционной оперы “Море крови“
Additional information about track №8 (according )
울지 말아 을남아
우리 엄마 기쁘게 한번 웃으면
가난한 살림에도 살뜰한 정 오고가네
유격대원호의 노래
녀성들도 모두다 힘을 합치면
유격대원호의 노래
일편단심 붉은 마음 간직합니다
아리랑 아리랑 아라리요
조선의 백두산에 어찌 비기랴
광복의 새날 안고 돌아오너라
혁명만이 살길이다
NOTE: It is not original copy of the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs from the web (according the information from the different sources).
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Many thanks for the help with song №5
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/ 我是无名英雄123
1 view
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