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The Beggar and the Box (A Reminder of What’s Within).
There once was a beggar who sat on a box by the side of the road for many, many years.
Day in and day out, swarms of strangers would pass him on their way and the beggar did what all beggars do: ask for money.
One day a traveler was passing through town and the beggar shouted “Please give me some money!”
The traveler said “Sorry, I don’t have any money to spare, but I am curious about your box.”
“What about my box?” the beggar replied.
“Well, what’s in it?”
The beggar responded, “I don’t know, it’s just an old box I found he
...re that I’ve been sitting on for years.”
Persistent in his inquiry, the traveler once again asked what was in the box. The beggar replied, “I’ve never looked.” The traveler said “Why not?”
“Because there is nothing there!” the beggar howled back. The traveler said “Well let’s take a look, shall we?”
Finally, to appease the traveler’s insistence, the beggar split the box open and amazingly, a treasure of gold burst onto the ground. He’d be sitting on it for years and never even knew it.
And off the traveler went.
What treasure are you sitting on?
And what’s it going to take to open it?
I invite you to look inside.
#432Hz #SelfReflection #RelaxingMusic #CalmingMusic #AmbientMusic
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Mettaverse music is creating healing music and soundscapes for all walks of life. Sound is soul, it calls you to remember your natural state: one of peace, relaxation, better sleep, creative flow, focus, and inner peace.
Metta-verse is a vision of reality directly connected to the heart and soul of what makes us human beings, what brings us all together. “Metta“ is a term in Pāli meaning unconditional loving kindness, a love directly from the cosmic spark deep inside your soul. Mettaverse started as a vision of one man, using music as a universal language, simply to bring people together. Resonating as one heart, as one love. Always, here and now.
May this music bring you peace, healing, and happiness. 💜
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🖖 Sound frequency and music therapy are wonderful and effective healing modalities, however they are not intended to fully replace professional medical or counseling advice. If you are experiencing a mental or physical illness, always seek help from a trusted therapist or doctor.
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