Ката с Оружием на Чемпионате России по Ката. г.Москва, г.
RUSSIAN KATA CHAMPIONSHIP 2022: KATAS & WEAPONS The video selectively presents one of the events of the All-Russian Kata Competition held on May 22, 2022. It demonstrates a unique direction in the long–term and systematic work of the Kyokushin Federation of Russia (FKR), a member of the International Karate Federation (IFK) – the development of kata with various types of traditional and modern weapons. This direction in the development of the IFK School was initiated and strongly supported by the President and Founder of IFK Hanshi Steve Arneil (August 29, 1934 – July 2, 2021). In Russia, kata competitions with weapons are held within the framework of All-Russian (as in this case) and regional Championships in the form of Budo-festivals. The video is dedicated to the memory of our Teacher and symbolizes the systematic realization of his dream about corresponding direction in the development of the IFK School and Organization.