Assassin’s Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones (The Movie)

You voted for it, and here it is, my movie edit for The Hidden Ones, the main story DLC expansion for Assassin’s Creed Origins. This story takes place 4 years after Assassin’s Creed Origins, in the Sinai Peninsula, and features the foundations of important elements of the Assassin’s Creed. I don’t often do movie edits for DLC, but this one I felt was too important to the lore of Assassin’s Creed to pass up, and it had some really strong story moments as well that I felt fans of my movies should see, and perhaps a glimpse at what’s to come in Odyssey? Maybe, maybe not, we’ll see. As always, the goal of these projects to me is to focus on telling the story, rather than showing every second of the game like a walkthrough. I want to create an experience that everybody can understand and enjoy, whether they play video games or not. I do keep a substantial amount of gameplay where necessary, in order to maintain continuity, story flow, or prevent losing viewers by creating
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