This video contains unseen footage of an early, unreleased version of Mortal Kombat: Special Forces that includes among other things Sonya Blade as a playable character.
We would like to encourage you to support Joshua Tsui’s KickStarter so that the Midway History he is planning can be created. This footage was posted by him as part of the promotion for the KickStarter.
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1 week ago 00:34:12 1
Шапка завоевала популярность. Подробный МК. В моём магазине - это ХИТ! продаж.
2 weeks ago 00:15:12 25
Вязание спицами. Вяжем ажурную кофточку для девочки 8 лет, регланом сверху, с карманами.МК (часть 1)