The War In Russia (1943)

Full title reads: “THE WAR IN RUSSIA“. Soviet Union (USSR). Various shots of Russian artillery in action in the Northern Caucasus. Various shots of the infantry advancing across snow covered countryside and through woods. At the small villages, the Russians search buildings for any remaining Germans. Various shots of Russian refugees emerging from underground shelters with their few belongings. Several shots of the burning buildings after the retreating Germans left a small town near Middle Don. Various shots of hundreds of German prisoners rounded up in snow. They are then led away. Red Army tanks moving across the snow. Various shots of the Russian soldiers on the move in the Voronezh area. They liberate many small villages and find many dead bodies. Dead bodies, victims of firing squads. Close up shots of weeping Russian women. Line of German prisoners marching through village. Various shots of action at Schlusselburg near Leningrad (St Petersburg) in the snow. Russian unit atta
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