On march 4th 2022 i saw this little guy in petsmart. I asked if i could adopt him and they said yes. Adopting at petsmart means you get the fish free, you just have to fill in some paper work. i took him home and treated him for swim bladder disease and finrot. 6 weeks later he looks like a completely new fish.
Epsom salt bath:
1tbsp/gal for 15 mins (this can be repeated a couple times a day for a few days).
metronidazole fish food:
Can be bought online
1 tbsp of food, 1/8 teaspoon of api general cure or seachem metroplex, 1 scoop seachem focus, and enough garlic guard or flavoring to soak food.
Bettas should ideally have tanks at least 2.5 gallons, with a filter and heater (unless you live in a tropical climate). water changes id recommend 20-30% every 1-2 weeks.
any questions feel free to ask :)