In this Inkscape tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a simple meteorite/comet logo. In this process, we’ll learn how to use the Inset and Outset path operations and the Bend path effect.
Colors I used: ff4e14ff, ff902eff, ffcd51ff, fffccbff, 244081ff, 3f9cdaff, 1c3366ff
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Inkscape is a free and open-source alternative to Adobe Illustrator, and you can download it here:
00:00 Intro
00:10 Create a rounded rectangle
00:21 Change to path and edit nodes
01:00 Use Inset to create inner part of flame
01:23 Create rest of meteorite
02:00 Use Bend path effect to bend meteorite
03:23 Create circle for background
03:43 Apply linear gradient
04:24 Add glow to meteorite
04:36 Apply radial gradient
05:13 Add stars
06:41 Use Outset to create a border
07:32 Outro
07:39 Course previews
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