Munich High End 2022

Explosive worldwide vinyl record sales growth over the past few years produced a powerful response from the audio industry, based on what was on display at High End Munich 2022. A profusion of new turntables, tonearms, phono preamps and accessories spread throughout the sprawling 28,000 meter MOC Event Center made difficult covering it all even with four days available to do it. According to the High End Society, 19,767 visitors attended the world’s largest audio show held in the MOC Event Center. 450 companies from 40 countries, representing 800 brands exhibited at the show—the first in two years following the Covid pandemic that while diminished has not yet ended. A few unlucky American exhibitors tested positive following the show and are still overseas in quarantine. The first video, which runs an epic two hours, includes news from Pro-Ject, Graham Engineering, Ortofon, Thorens, Thiele Wilson-Benesch (which for the first time exhibited a working version of its GMT One system), OMA, Transrotor, D
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