UNKNOWN LOCATION: Sir Macpherson Robertson sponsors air race from Britain to Australia (1934)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Australian industrialist Sir Macpherson Robertson offers ????10,000 prize for Britain to Australia air race - includes shots of pilots taking part in race. (shotlist created 2010) Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION - SET FOR MELBOURNE HOP - PILOTS READY FOR RACE TO AUSTRALIA Unknown location Industralist Sir Macpherson Robertson speaking “These aerial races should demonstrate very definately that close contact between Britain and Australia is possible within three days , thus rendering easier and more frequent commerical correspondence and a general accleration of business transactions“ Map showing speed flight plan route and handicapped races between Britain and Australia Plane Advance Viking aircraft with pilot Nairy Dilley (USA) Miss Ruth Nicholls - once holder of woman’s altitude speed record coast to coast (USA) Captain Neville Stack and
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