Youcef Atal ft. THEOS & LOUIE - TEMPLE ᴴᴰ

New review of a young talent for a great track. Youcef Atal ft. THEOS & LOUIE - TEMPLE ᴴᴰ. Young football player in favor of French Nice from Ligue 1, and also represents the national team of Algeria. OGC Nice has come to an agreement with the club from the Jupiler Pro League for the transfer of the highly exciting 22 year old. 22 YEARS OLD, DEFENDER. Автор: Сергей Малашенко () Монтаж: Музыка: THÉOS & Louie - Temple Alex France - Amazon INSTAGRAM: #YoucefAtal #ogcnice #ligue1 #лига1 #атал #ницца
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