An Eye Opening Presentation on Geo-Engineering, AKA “chemtrails“

Turns out that “chemtrails“, or aerosol injection (CIA), or solar radiation management (NASA) is no longer a conspiracy *theory*. It’s now officially known as geoengineering and savior of our planet. Matt Landman has been able to compress a lot of information on this topic into his presentation from the 2nd Global Chemtrail Summit held in Portland, Oregon, May this year. If unfamiliar, learn what it is and see how school children and the public are indoctrinated with things like “new cloud types“, and how governments, CIA, NASA and billionaires deceive the public into believing spraying the atmosphere with toxic particles is “necessary“ - in the name of environment (and taxes). Get informed and take action now if you want to keep the sun and the blue skies. Visit and support Matt Landman’s work at his web page: Visit his YouTube channel: Reprodu
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