Project 22800 Karakurt - Class Corvettes

Support / Поддержка: Patreon - Donationalerts - Paypal - Bitcoin adress- 1Gvm1rSaCUCuVajSnw6uPebd2XCb9zzs4f Bitcoin OWN - 802f7abb-b209-4058-a0d2-c63100440a82 Teespring Store - Webmoney USD - Z789416365352 Webmoney EUR - E518067593070 Webmoney RU - R788497986526 The Karakurt class, Russian designation Project 22800 Karakurt, is Russia’s latest class of corvettes (small missile-ships in Russian classification) under construction for the Russian Navy. The class is intended as a more seaworthy, blue-water complement to the Buyan-M class corvettes, designed for the littoral zone and which as of 2015 serve in Russia’s Caspian Flotilla, Baltic Fleet and Black Sea Fleet. The ships are designed to be armed with Kalibr or Oniks anti-ship cruise missiles and have an endurance of 15 days. They are also to be a cheap alternative for larger Admiral Grigorovich class friga
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