* HUMMINGBIRD * | Animals For Kids | All Things Animal TV

* HUMMINGBIRD * | Animals For Kids Quality, educational videos for kids. Made in the UK. Subscribe to All Things Animal TV! here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hummingbirds are some of the smallest birds in the world. They have beautiful iridescent feathers. And super fast wings. Their wings move so fast… that they look just like a blur. This is because their wings flap 80 times every second. I bet you can’t move your arms that quick. Now… Let’s use some magic and slooow everything down…! Abracadabra! Wow. Can you see how the wings make the hummingbird hover? Just like a helicopter. Their fast wings also make a wonderful humming noise. That’s why they are called hummingbirds. Hummingbirds need to eat lots and lots, to maintain their really fast breathing and heart rate. To do this they eat flower nectar, pollen and insects. Using their long thin beaks they can sip nectar deep inside a flower or bird feeder. These red feeders are full sweet nectar for the hummingbirds. They are especially attracted to the red colour. Did you know hummingbirds can’t walk or hop like a normal bird. There legs are only for perching so they need to fly everywhere. Lucky they have strong wings. ----------------------- JUNGLE ANIMALS: Chameleons: Snakes: ----------------------- AFRICAN ANIMALS: Elephants: Zebra: Leopards: ----------------------- WATER ANIMALS: Sea Otters: Sea Turtles: ----------------------- AUSTRALIAN ANIMALS: Platypus: ----------------------- SNOW AND ICE ANIMALS: Penguins: Sea Lions: ----------------------- PET ANIMALS: Rabbits: ----------------------- FARM ANIMALS: Goats: Pigs: Cows: ----------------------- AIR ANIMALS: Crane Bird: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay connected with All Things Animal TV: Facebook: Web: Google Plus: TESL Check out our other channels: Nursery Rhymes TV: Things That Go TV! Baby Education TV: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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