Remember the Sabbath and your God & He shall remember you 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

Text & Audio... Video Playlist Trumpet Call of God... Trumpet Call of God in various Languages... Source... Official Website in englisch... The Lord says… Remember the Sabbath and Your God & He shall remember you February 24, 2005 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Thus says The Lord to His servant… Timothy, concerning the Sabbath, the seventh day of each week, Saturday is the day you shall remember and keep holy; yes, you shall keep it holy and rest. You shall do no work on this day, neither shall your wife or children, nor any guest in your house, save that which is needful for your household. You may also do those things which are good
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