Green Day Live in St Louis MO NHL Full Performance 01-25-2020

Out of all the concert videos I’ve uploaded, this is perhaps one of the most bizarre and unsatisfying 30 minutes of video I’ve been present for. The problem likely stems with NHL contracting Green Day to perform only a few songs for their All Star game and the local TV/radio stations misbranding it as a concert for at least a week prior to the show. But you can see how confused the crowd was as this was all going down. Especially those who had been to the . show from the NHL the night before where they performed for approximately one hour. Even the security guards seemed in disbelief as the ...crowd who waited 4 hours didn’t even leave not knowing what was happening. I decided to upload the entire 30 minutes of footage that I recorded just so you could witness the oddness of this event. Green Day is actually on stage for less than half of that. A lot of this footage is just for the purpose of showing how everything went there. You can see if you can overhear some of
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