Аполло Гранфорте - каватина Фигаро из оп.Дж.Россини “СЕВИЛЬСКИЙ ЦИРЮЛЬНИК“, съёмка 1932 г.
This is the only known film footage of the one of the very GREATEST Italian baritones Apollo Granforte. It is extremely rare footage and probably rarely, if ever, has been seen by anyone outside of Australia, where it was filmed in 1932.
The audio of the transfer was pitched a half-tone too high. Since no baritone in his right mind would transpose the Largo *UP* on purpose, I have re-pitched the audio to its true key. As a result, Granforte’s voice takes on it the more sonorous quality that we know from hi
2 years ago 00:03:59 2
Barítono Apollo Granforte sing “Largo at Factotum“
2 years ago 00:25:58 1
Apollo Granforte – El Matrero excerpts [Boero] - 1929
3 years ago 00:03:38 1
Inno al Duce
3 years ago 00:06:31 1
The low larynx and great singing
4 years ago 00:07:21 2
“Il balen del suo sorriso“ - APOLLO GRANFORTE (1930)
5 years ago 00:40:11 2
Giuseppe Danise giving voice lessons to Giuseppe Valdengo
7 years ago 00:04:06 6
Giovanni Zenatello & Apollo Granforte - Sì, pel ciel [Otello] - 1926