Upgrading my Kill Zone board with underfloor LIGHTING!!!

Watch how I upgrade my Warhammer 40 Kill Zone board with some underfloor lighting using the awesome floor tiles from @fabricatorslair new below. Kickstarter - Fluid 3D Workshop bases - Resin from 3DJake - ► Sponsors Chaos Cards (use discount code KILLTEAM which will give 5% off) Anycubic 3D Printer - ► Buy me a Coffee - ► Things I need ► Become a Patron - ► Help support the channel with these affiliate links UK Amazon - US Amazon - Wayland Games - ► For business enquiries please email me - miniaturehobbyist@ #gamesworkshop #warhammer #warhammer40k warhammer 40k,40k,wa...rhammer,games workshop contrast paint,games workshop painting tutorial,games workshop,warhammer kill team,new kill team,kitbash,kitbashing,warhammer kitbashing,kill team 2023,painting miniatures warhammer 40k,painting miniatures for beginners,painting miniatures tips,kitbashing warhammer 40k,kitbashing warhammer,kitbashing 40k,kill team 40k,how to make,diorama
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