Every Kpop Idol looks up to this Legendary Artist [G-Dragon]

Music, Rap, Style, Fashion, Atmosphere, Popularity, Fame, Respect, Money. He’s got it all. This artist is probably the most respected, influential K-pop idol that got the recognition from Korea as a whole. A living icon. A ’Celebrity among celebrities’. G-Dragon, aka GD. Buy Korean products on our website: ​ SUPPORT US Patreon:  PayPal:  Become a member:  (Exclusive membership badges and content) Music from the show is available on ​ BUSINESS INQUIRIES - media@ FOLLOW DKDKTV IG -  Twitter -  TikTok - @dkdktv Twitch - FOLLOW DANNY @gyumstagram IG -  Twitter -  FOLLOW DAVID @justdavid_92 IG -  Twitter - https://www.
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