Lord of The Otherworld - Gwyn Ap Nudd King of the Tylwyth Teg - Little People of the Neath Valley

The Lord of the Celtic Otherworld was Gwyn Ap Nudd. By some Christian monks he was seen as the Devil, he and his little folks (The Tylwyth Teg) should be banished from their homes in the Neath Valley thought one monk known as Saint Collen. The Tywlyth Teg in Folklore describes five types: .Ellyll (elves) inhabit woodland groves and valleys. Their food consists of fairy butter and toadstools and they wear the petals of foxgloves to keep their hands warm. .Coblynau (fair folk of the mines) Miners report - unknown tap tap tapping - find coal seam .Bwbachod (household fairies) .Gwragedd... Annwn (female fairies of the lakes and streams) .Gwyllion (mountain fairies) Sometimes taking the form of an old woman Music Attributions ----------------------------- We Three Celtic Kings by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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