The Best Electro Freestyle Mix 3 (Volt Amazing Break Dance)

The third part of the Volt electro freestyle ’mix’ is now available. Another dose of great songs and amazing feats of breakdance dancers. MIX 1 - MIX 2 - MIX 3 - MIX 4 - MIX 5 - Artist - VOLT Track list: 0:00 - 3:27 - Atomic 3:27 - 6:10 - Dance or die 6:10 - 9:07 - Hip-Hop 9:07 - 13:08 - Techno beat 13:08 - 16:44 - Fire Element 16:44 - 20:06 - Break dance forever 20:06 - 23:25 - Rythm of the street 23:25 - 26:58 - Destroy 26:58 - 29:54 - Up & Down 29:54 - 32:56 - Electric b-boy 32:56 - Super Rocket 👍 Subscribe and turn on notifications. 🔔 #electro #freestyle #dance Thanks for watching the video - The Best Electro Freestyle Mix 3 Volt (Amazing Break Dance)
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