A Vedic devotional bhakti art slideshow featuring artwork depicting the transcendental pastimes of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, The bhajan “Yugalastakam“ or “Krishna premi Mayi Radha“ composed by Vaisnava Saint Srila Jiva Goswami and performed by Ramya Devi Dasi. The words to the bhajan follow.....
1) Radha is made of pure love for Krsna and Hari is made of pure love of Radha. Life’s greatest wealth is Radha and Krsna: my eternal shelter.
2) Radha is the treasure of Krsna and Hari is the treasure of Radha. Life’s greatest wealth is Radha and Krsna: my eternal shelter.
3) Radha pervades the life-force of Krsna and Hari pervades the life-force of Radha. Life’s greatest wealth is Radha and Krsna: my eternal shelter.
4) Radha is totally melted with Krsna and Hari is totally melted with Radha. Life’s greatest wealth is Radha and Krsna: my eternal shelter.
5) Radha is situated in the body of Krsna and Hari is situated in the body of Radha. Life’s greatest wealth is Radha and Krsna: my eternal shelter.
6) Radha is fixed in the heart of Krsna and Hari is fixed in the heart of Radha. Life’s greatest wealth is Radha and Krsna: my eternal shelter.
7) Radha wears cloth of blue color and Hari wears cloth of yellow color. Life’s greatest wealth is Radha and Krsna: my eternal shelter.
8) Radha is the Mistress of Vrndavana and Krsna is the Master of Vrndavana. Life’s greatest wealth is Radha and Krsna: my eternal shelter.
By Jiva Goswami.
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