Tool - Lateralus - Johnkew Drum Cover

I’ve done a fair amount of Tool covers over the past few years, but there have been a few songs that I’ve really wanted to try, but have waited, for various reasons. Lateralus is one of my favorite songs, but I’ve held off recording it because the longer I listen and play along with Tool songs, the more I learn about Danny Carey’s talent and style. Lateralus is one of those iconic songs that I really wanted to do justice. Looking back on some of my early videos, I had a lot of fun playing, but in hindsight, there were a lot of technical elements that I missed. I don’t regret playing them, but I’m glad I’ve waited on this one. I’m still nowhere near Carey’s level of playing, but I think I understand enough of his techniques and style that I’m very happy with the combination of feeling and technique that this song requires. Regardless, once again I had a ton of fun trying to play along with one of Tool’s arrangements, and I hope that this energy translate
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