The Best of André Claveau

FOLLOW US ON SPOTIFY PLAYLIST FRENCH MUSIC: Chanson Française ►BUY NOW HALIDON •OFFER NOW 2,99 €• 1. Bals de France 00:00 2. Marjolane 02:39 3. Je t’attendrai 05:39 4. Domino 08:26 5. Petite rose 11:41 6. Avec ce soleil 14:44 7. Cerisiers roses et pommiers blancs 16:43 8. Je pleure sur des pas 19:42 9. Joya 22:53 10. Maneges 25:24 11. J’ai dormi avec le printemps 27:42 12. Le coffre aux souvenirs 30:57 13. Cette valse là 34:01 14. Complainte de la butte 37:06 André Claveau (17 December 1911 – 4 July 2003) was a popular singer in France from the 1940s to the 1960s. He won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1958 singing “Dors, mon amour“ (Sleep, My Love) with music composed by Pierre Delanoë and lyrics by Hubert Giraud.
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