1486 - Bhajan Bliss Vol - 19 | Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans #mustlisten
#Soulful #Soothing #Calm #srisathyasai #saibhajans #popular
The Divine Name saves and liberates! It is armor against the onslaughts of pride and self-pity. When Japam is started by you in a systematic manner, fixing your inner eye on the Form, which illustrates the Name, you will meet with many obstacles, disquieting thoughts and enticements. They should be ignored, by-passed, treated lightly. Strengthen your habits, stick to your discipline, improve your inner administration; mix more in the company of the good and the Godly. The unruly bull has to be roped and tamed, its nose bored and ringed, it has to be yoked and trained to drag heavy loads and become the docile servant of its Master”. - Baba
Let us all pray and sing these blissful Sai Bhajans!
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