[Eng Sub] - WangXian | Mo Dao Zu Shi 魔道祖师 Audio Drama ED (English Subtitles / Translation)
#wangxian #modaozushi #魔道祖师
Another version of Eng trans for WangXian from MDZS Audio drama. I did this with reference from Jizartjiz () along with some changes.
As flowers adrift in the azure sky,
I recall our dauntless youth.
Gusu welcomes the spring tide once more.
Fleeting mountains beyond the clouds,
White wisps paving a path for my longing.
Even though you’ve gone, my frozen heart has yet to melt.
Loquats drenching in the rain,
Bamboo poles passing freely,
Who caught it?
All these bittersweet times, you greet them with a smile.
So that’s how it is.
You are the one I keep in my memories.
How can these feelings be avoided?
Can we share our sorrow and happiness?
You’ve kept your crystal heart through all the storms.
People say, you are disobedient and free.
But behind all that, you were engulfed in chaos.
A small boat sailing on a misty river,
Who watched as Yunmeng drowned in flames?
Suddenly, I’m awakened as mirages fade away.
Three thousands rules of this world could not compare to a half empty jar of Emperor’s Smile.
Who got drunk on it? The zither is now silent, can these feelings ever be noticed?
So that’s how it is.
Moments we shared went by like a blink of an eye.
There’s no need to keep the sorrow of the past in your heart.
With you by my side,
The wine remains warm.
Death and suffering is just momentarily,
Ten years went by while our dreams are still burning.
That’s how it is!
You are the one I keep in my memories.
These feelings can no longer be avoided.
Let us share our tears and laughter.
I’ll preserve your crystal heart through all these storms.
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