RAINBOW FRIENDS Vs GARTEN of BAN BAN - Friday Night Funkin Animation

FNF BATTLES 🎧💪🎶🎤 - 😜will the BAN BAN monsters be a copy of the RAINBOW FRIENDS?🤪🌈 🎤A RAP battle will be unleashed to prove who is the best and most original, 1️⃣🥳BOYFRIEND will set the rules FNF-style! 🎶Captain Fiddlers⚓ will start against the powerful BLUE, 🔵👑he will offend him because he is small but the Captain will defend himself being the 🤯NEW and BLUE already an old man👴🏻🤣the truth is that both are chubby, 🥹they will end up being good friends. 😄But who has a past fight will be 🫣🟢GREEN against JUMBO JOSH💚they will fight to be the coolest green monster 🤼‍♀️ as well as 🧡ORANGE 🦖& 🟠Stinger Flynn🦑 a fight of orange monsters but they will end up be
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