McDonalds Double Cheeseburger vs Serbian Gurmanska Pljeskavica

I thought i would show the differnce between a McDonalds double cheesebuger and a Gurmanska pljeskavica. The double burger cost 150 dinars while the pljeskavica cost me 160 dinars. Gurmanska is a burger that has spice mixed in the meat and is filled with ham. THey offer a few different gurmanska burgers depending on the weight. i bought the one that was closest to the price of the double cheeseburger. You can get a 100gram burger in Nis for 80 dinars, a velika (big) 200gram burger for 130 dinars or a gurmanska for 160. I am not picking on McDonalds, but there is NO comparison between the two. The pljeskavica has so much more taste and content. McDonalds should start adding the Serbian condiments like ajvar, lutenica, urnebes, and kajmak... :) Serbia wins! Check out my new blog location.
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