Churchill addresses the Canadian Parliament (1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Prime Minister Winston Churchill addresses the combined houses of Canada’s government during his trip to North America as part of the Arcadian Conference, receiving a standing ovation for his famous line, “Some chicken . . . Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Mr. Churchill’s Visit to Canada CANADA: Ottawa: Ontario: Parliament Hill: Centre Block: INT CANADA. Mr. Churchill speaks in Ottawa’s House of Commons..(Some chicken, some neck)..cheered by crowd CHURCHILL, WINSTON. Visits at Ottawa’s House of Commons..(Some chicken, some neck“) ..also in French. KING, MacKenzie. Introduces in Ottawa’s House of Commons RADIO Cameraman Morley listens to Premier’s Personalities - Politicians Canada, Parliament, Senate, House of Commons, guard of honour, Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie Ki
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