SHUFFLE DANCE TUTORIAL STARTS AT 4:35! WHAT IS UP BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!? I so happily present to you my 4th shuffle tutorial! The beginning is just some talkative Van stuff but the tutorial starts at 4:35! You’re going to be learning a combo of some basic shuffle moves (4 8-counts to be exact) to the song “I Wanna Sex You Up“ by Rowen Reecks (I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS SONG). I know it is long but it is informative and full of thorough in-depth explanations!! I hope you guys find this tutorial beneficial to you and if you would like more videos of combos like this let me know in the comments below! I LOVE YOU GUYS, hope you enjoy, xoxo Van **IMPORTANT** When i start teaching the tutorial i flipped the footage so it is mirrored to you. What this means is whatever you see me doing copy it exactly like if i were your mirror. So example you see me kicking to your right that means you kick to your right. super easy. I hope that make
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